Saturday, July 5, 2008

Kumoras five generation picture. Great Grandpa Johnson, Grandpa Johnson, Mom and Kumora.

Jordan has adopted Grandma and Grandpa and they have adopted him.

Uncle Kelly took us out to see some rock Paintings close to Moab.

Kumora was named after Grandma Johnson. Kumora Genevieve

Her she is with both her garandma Johnson

Friday, July 4, 2008


This Is the hat that we got for Grandma only Kumora thought it was hers.

She has the biggest eyes ever


She loves the Cookie!!

Its almost there. That's it just a little closer

Kumora loves to eat!

At first she was not sure what to think. I am sure she thought that we were trying to poison her with all the gaging she did. now if she sees any kind of dish she thinks that it should be hers and if we don't keep the spoonfuls coming she starts growling and then it turns to screams. I think we may have an Isabel on our hands.